Saturday, January 12, 2013

Love and its Whereabouts

This word established one hell of a reputation in the history of both animals and mankind.  Well, that being said, feel free to take your time to decipher which kingdom are you from.  It is always best to understand your roots, man!

Through the years, unfortunately, it has been overused and demeaned.  It is everywhere, from vandals to paper bills, to conquering a country, to winning a crown, to marketing and promotional strategies, even in newspapers and obituaries. 

Some people traveled thousand miles in search of it while others prefer to wait.  It is kind of contradicting though how others say that it is something that we have to exert an effort for while others say to just wait for it and it will come.  Seriously, many people are taking it literally.

Some cried a river because of it.  Some cried an ocean and drowned themselves in it.  In other cases, it resulted to people losing their minds, piece by piece, somewhere along the way.  Well, others just take the shortcut and opted to lose their clothes and get lost.

Others claim to have fought for it, whether the consequences would be bad or good.  It doesn’t matter if their reasons were right or wrong.  The rest chose to just give it a rest and the remaining others, just gave it up.  

Some argued that one has to reach a certain level of maturity to be ready for it while a certain group, which is not limited to minors and senior citizens, defend themselves by saying that it doesn’t come with age.  I might be trying hard to be as politically correct as possible.  I did it on purpose just so you know. 

A big part of the population is scared of it because they think it is fatal since they probably have witnessed others get hurt and worst, die for it.  One can be in power, while the other is helpless.  Master-slave, teacher-student, captain-soldier, doctor-patient, man-wife, name it.  Evidently, it is a saddo-masochistic world, is it not?  Yet still, you can choose what role to play.

It is indeed so powerful that it could turn a genius into a clueless homo sapien.  One cannot be so sure even if you have an above average IQ or a below sea-level one or sub-zero, one cannot get an exemption nor bonus points for answers are not given in black and white, for sometimes it comes in rainbow colors with glitters and gold.

It is definitely not a myth; but a fact without a conclusion; or it could be a conclusion with many hypotheses; or perhaps, a very complex mathematical equation that surprisingly just equals to zero or one.  Sometimes, it is like finding the value of X to compute for Y to know what Z is and right after solving the problem, you’ll find out that it is not applicable in your position in your current job.

You can all choose to be one with me or we can just all agree to disagree but it is the most annoying yet the most beautiful thing of all – LOVE.

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